Generic Bio

Research projects

  • Interactive Art
    • 2017 – Produção, programação e robótica – Untitled, João Onofre – MAAT / Fundação EDP.
    • 2017 – Instalação Interactiva Fons Vitae - MMIPO - Museu da Misericórdia do Porto.


  • André Baltazar, Carlos Guedes, Fabien Gouyon, and Bruce Pennycook. A Real-time Human Body Skeletonization Algorithm for MAX/MSP/JITTER. In Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference, 2010 (Baltazar et al., 2010)
  • Andre Baltazar, Luis Gustavo Martins, and Jaime S. Cardoso. ZATLAB: A Gesture Analysis System to Music Interaction. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Digital Arts (ARTECH 2012) (Baltazar et al., 2012)
  • Andre Baltazar, Luis Gustavo Martins. Zatlab: A Framework for Gesture Recognition and Performance Interaction. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Digital Arts (ARTECH 2015)
  • Baltazar, A. (2016). ZatLab Gesture Recognition Framework: Machine Learning Results. International Journal of Creative Interfaces and Computer Graphics, 7(2), 11–24.
  • Andre Baltazar, Luis Gustavo Martins. Zatlab: A Framework for Gesture Recognition and Performance Interaction. Book chapter in "Innovative Teaching Strategies and New Learning Paradigms in Computer Programming", IGI Global 2014

Areas of scientific interest

  • Gesture Recognition
  • Interactive Art
  • Computer Vision
  • Human Computer Interaction
  • Machine Learning
  • Internet of Things

Theses as a supervisor