Cineclube EA: Once Upon a Time There Was a Singing Blackbird

Otar Iosseliani


Cineclube 2023-24

equipa do Cineclube EA 2023/24
 António Barata
Carolina Rebelo
Diana Monteiro
Diogo Pinto
Fernando Machado
Francisca Dores
Gabriel Andrade
Gabriel Luna
João Pinto
José Antunes
Luísa Alegre
Mariana Machado
Patrícia Pereira
Sofia Tavares

com o apoio de
Carlos Natálio


More Information

Once Upon a Time There Was a Singing Blackbird 
by Otar Iosseliani

Soviet Union, 1970, 85'

Guia is a musician who always needs to be in constant hustle and bustle and who, with his optimism and joy for life, irritates his boss who wants to make him ordinary and disciplined.
Iosseliani's cinema full of fables about modern life and traditional values ​​has been compared with the classic comedies of Jacques Tati.
Filmed with poetic casualness, Iosseliani's universe is full of joyful pessimism.

20th Feb 18:30
Auditório Ilídio Pinho

The School of the Arts Film Club begins its activities in the new semester in a special screening in memoriam that pays homage to the work of Otar Iosseliani, a master of Georgian cinema, who recently passed away.




Cineclube 2023-24

equipa do Cineclube EA 2023/24
 António Barata
Carolina Rebelo
Diana Monteiro
Diogo Pinto
Fernando Machado
Francisca Dores
Gabriel Andrade
Gabriel Luna
João Pinto
José Antunes
Luísa Alegre
Mariana Machado
Patrícia Pereira
Sofia Tavares

com o apoio de
Carlos Natálio


More Information

Once Upon a Time There Was a Singing Blackbird 
by Otar Iosseliani

Soviet Union, 1970, 85'

Guia is a musician who always needs to be in constant hustle and bustle and who, with his optimism and joy for life, irritates his boss who wants to make him ordinary and disciplined.
Iosseliani's cinema full of fables about modern life and traditional values ​​has been compared with the classic comedies of Jacques Tati.
Filmed with poetic casualness, Iosseliani's universe is full of joyful pessimism.


Cineclube 2023-24

equipa do Cineclube EA 2023/24
 António Barata
Carolina Rebelo
Diana Monteiro
Diogo Pinto
Fernando Machado
Francisca Dores
Gabriel Andrade
Gabriel Luna
João Pinto
José Antunes
Luísa Alegre
Mariana Machado
Patrícia Pereira
Sofia Tavares

com o apoio de
Carlos Natálio


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Cineclube EA

Auditório Ilídio Pinho

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4ª Sessão – Ciclo Interseção com uma Alteridade
Cineclube EA

Auditório Ilídio Pinho

  • Film Club
  • Cinema
  • Homepage