School calendar 2024/25

School calendar - School of Arts - 2024-2025

Fall semester
September 2024 - February 2025
September 2 Start of the Academic Year
September 5 Welcoming new students at Centro Regional do Porto  
Merit Scholarships Award Ceremony
September 9 Starts Bachelor's and Master's classes
September 12 - 14 Panorama #24
October 18 Official Opening Ceremony of the School Year 2024/2025. National Ceremony for the Delivery of Postgraduate Certificates 2023/2024
November 8 Master's Diploma Award Ceremony 
November 29 Bachelor's Diploma Award Ceremony
December 14 to January 5 Christmas Holiday Break
January 6 to 17 Submission of assignments and exams -Continuous Evaluation
Until January 13 Deadline for submission of Dissertation/Project/ Internship Proposals - 2nd year Master students
January 20 to 31 Submission of assignments and exams - Appeals season
Spring semester
February 2025 - July 2025
February 4 UCP National Day
February 10 Start of the 2nd Semester - Bachelors and Masters
March 3 and 4 Carnival break
April 16 to 22 Easter break
May 3 to 11 Queima das Fitas break
May 31 End of Bachelor's and Master's classes
June 2 to 13 Submission of assignments and exams - Continuous Evaluation 
June 16 to 27 Submission of assignments and exams - Appeals season
Until June 27 Deadline for submission of Dissertation/Project/ Internship Projects
September 8 to 12 Special Exams Season - Bachelors
Until september 29 Period of Appeal for Submissions of Dissertation/Project/ Internship Projects
Note: The calendar is globally established for the School of Arts, safeguarding each coordination to independently and specifically organize their respective courses.