
Teresa Cruz

Maria Teresa Cruz is Associated Professor to the Communication Sciences Department of NOVA University of Lisbon – Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities (UNL/FCSH) and teaches in the fields of Image Theory, Media Aesthetics and Contemporary Art and Culture. She is an affiliated member to the Research Group of “Culture, Mediation and Arts”, of the Research Institute of communication of NOVA University (ICNOVA), that she coordinated between 2012-2015. She founded Interact – Journal of Art, Culture and Technology that she directed between 2000-2006. Recent projects focus on digital media and participation culture (“African-European Narratives” – Europe For Citizens, 2018-2019) and on cultural heritage mediation (Interpretative Center G. Ribeiro Telles, Gulbenkian Foundation, 2013; Museology Design for COA Museum of Paleolithic Art – World Heritage, 2008-2010). Books: A Modernidade Estética. Uma arqueologia do sensível (Nova Vega/Amazon I.P., 2020); Media Theory and Cultural Technologies (Cambridge Scholars, 2017); Novos Media – Novas Práticas (Lisbon: Vega, 2011).

Gerfried Stocker

Gerfried Stocker is a media artist and telecommunications engineer. In 1991, he founded x-space, a team formed to carry out interdisciplinary projects, which went on to produce numerous installations and performances featuring elements of interaction, robotics and telecommunications. Since 1995, Gerfried Stocker has been artistic director of Ars Electronica. In 1995-96, he headed the crew of artists and technicians that developed the Ars Electronica Centre’s pioneering new exhibition strategies and set up the facility’s in-house R&D department, the Ars Electronica Futurelab. Stocker is a guest speaker at many international conferences and a Visiting Professor at Osaka University of Arts as well as guest lecturer at Deusto University Bilbao.

Pedro Rebelo

Pedro Rebelo is a composer, sound artist and performer. In 2002, he was awarded a PhD by the University of Edinburgh where he conducted research in both music and architecture. Pedro has recently led participatory projects involving communities in Belfast, favelas in Maré, Rio de Janeiro, travelling communities in Portugal and a slum town in Mozambique. This work has resulted in sound art exhibitions at venues such as the Metropolitan Arts Centre, Belfast, Espaço Ecco in Brasilia and Parque Lage and Museu da Maré in Rio and MAC Nitéroi. His music has been presented in venues such as the Melbourne Recital Hall, National Concert Hall Dublin, Queen Elizabeth Hall, Ars Electronica, Casa da Música, and in events such as Weimarer Frühjahrstage fur zeitgenössische Musik, Wien Modern Festival, Cynetart and Música Viva. He has collaborated with musicians such as Chris Brown, Mark Applebaum, Carlos Zingaro, Evan Parker and Pauline Oliveros. His writings reflect his approach to design and creative practice in a wider understanding of contemporary culture and emerging technologies. At Queen's University Belfast, he has held posts as Director of Education, Director of Research and Head of School. In 2012 he was appointed Professor of Sonic Arts at the same university.

Elena Charola

Elena Charola is a Research Scientist at MCI and formerly a Scientific Advisor/Program Coordinator at the World Monuments Fund-Portugal. She received her Ph.D. from Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina. As an independent consultant she worked on a number of high-profile projects for World Monuments Fund: Consultant for the  Easter Island Program; Coordinator of the Scientific Committee  for the Exterior Conservation of the Torre de Belém, Lisbon, Portugal; Lecturer in Advanced Architectural Conservation, Graduate Program in Historic Preservation, University of Pennsylvania;  Lecturer at the Raymond Lemaire International Centre for Conservation at the Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium; Lecturer at the bi-annual UNESCO/ICCROM Stone Conservation Course in Venice. Dr. Charola has published two books and over a hundred scientific papers in the field of stone and masonry deterioration and conservation as well as editing co-editing the proceedings from four international conferences and three publications resulting from the conservation interventions carried out by World Monuments Fund. At MCI, she conducts research on the biodeterioration of stone surfaces and serves as Senior Editor on our Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press series, Contributions to Museum Conservation.



CITAR is funded by national funds from the FCT, through projects UIDB/0622/2020 and UIDP/0622/2020.