II Graduate Conference on Science and Technology of the Arts

Time December 12th December 13th
10h00 – 11h00 Registration  

11h00 – 13h00

Panel 1 – Critical and Speculative exploration of human, non-human, and environmental relationships
Moderator: Andrada-Cristina Neacsu
More-than-human literatures: speculating-with from the Anthropocene - Laila Algaves (NOVA FCSH)
The stars are out tonight - João Pedro Amorim (CITAR UCP)
Distance to the Loire - Rosinda Casais (i2ADS FBAUP)

Panel 3 – Art, technology and cultural heritage: questions of identity, responsibility and resilience              SELF-MADE ART: an Accountability Strategy about Art Destruction within the War on Ukraine, via a Sociology of Heritage and Media Arts using Critical A.I. - Pedro Andrade (CITAR UCP)

Art, Ecology, and Resistance: Reimagining Cultural Heritage in Iran - Shahriar Khonsari (independent scholar)

Panel 3 – Cultural heritage and Activism: questions of identity, responsibility and resistance
Moderator: Marta Gueidão Costa

SELF-MADE ART: an Accountability Strategy about Art Destruction within the War on Ukraine, via a Sociology of Heritage and Media Arts using Critical A.I. - Pedro Andrade (CITAR UCP)
Art, Ecology, and Resistance: Reimagining Cultural Heritage in Iran - Shahriar Khonsari (independent scholar)
Shared Nightmares and Common Futures at Greenham Commons: On the politics of dreaming an affective practice of resistance - Filippo Deorsola (Université Libre de Bruxelles)
[12:30] Presentation of the E-book [e]motion.
Editors: Ana Gago, João Pedro Amorim, Nádia Moura

Presented by Ana Gago, Carlos Natálio and João Pedro Amorim

13h00 – 14h30 Lunch Lunch
14h30 – 16h00

Keynote Session
Moderator: Dila Yumurtaci

Horticulture? On Vectors of Art, Reality, and Institutions - Defne Ayas

Keynote Session
Moderator: Catarina Cordeiro

When Is a Garden More Than a Green Space: Cultivating Creativity as our Response-ability - Işıl Eğrikavuk

16h00 – 16h15 Coffee Break Coffee Break
16h15 – 18h15

Panel 2 – Artistic and collaborative practices as a way of political resistance and ecological reflection
Moderator: Sónia Neves
Feral songbook: collective improvisation as an ecological survival technique - Nuno da Luz (CITAR UCP)
The imagined House – performing the immaterial - Marta Morais Miranda (ESMAD FAUP)
Strata - Isidora Correa (CITAR UCP)

Panel 4 – Body exploration as an agent of political resistance and social transformation
Moderator: Alexandra Balona

Wound, Wraith, Witch — ecofeminims and dance to re-enchant bodies - Rita Xavier (UMinho)
Dances for present & future worlds: attentions for becoming-with the other through dance improvisation as somaesthetic and political practice - Kalliopi-Elena Kolia Petersen (independent scholar)
Remaining Body(ies): Art, Necropower, and the Aesthetics of Deterioration - Grécia Paola Matos and Filipa Cruz (FBAUP)



Screening Sílvia das Fadas [+info]
Organization: EA Film Club




IV Colóquio Português de Ourivesaria

Escola das Artes | Universidade Católica Portuguesa

Rua de Diogo Botelho 1327
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