Generic Bio

Research projects
  • Photography as a subjective practice.
  • Photography and landscape: new modes of visual representation.
  • Photography between representation and fiction.

Relevant publications

  • Lobo, Carlos “The Dew of Little Things”. França: Loco Editions, 2016
  • Lobo, Carlos “The Idea of Silence”. Paris: Loco Editions, 2015.
  • Lobo, Carlos “Through the Pale dawn”. Paris: Loco Editions, 2015.
  • Lobo, Carlos “Far Far East”. Porto: LEBOP, 2011.
  • Lobo, Carlos “Unknown Landscapes”. Porto: Chromma, 2008.

Areas of scientific interest


  • Cinema and visual arts.
  • Science and technology in the arts.
  • Photography and visual arts.
  • Documentary cinema.

Theses as supervisor
See list here