SoA professor gives Cpen Class at Faculty of Law

Monday, March 4, 2024 - 12:49

Guilherme Blanc, Artistic Director of the Batalha Film Center and professor at School of Arts, gave an open Arts class at the Catholic University, in which he discussed Palestinian cinema and its use as a means of reflection and resistance.


"Between the ideas of (dis)embodiment and opacity through technology, within contemporary Palestinian cinema" was the title of the Open Class that took place on February 28, organized by the Católica Law School in Porto.

'Disembodiment' and 'Opacity' were some of the concepts explored by the professor, with a focus on the practice of Palestinian filmmakers and artists who have addressed the issue of the country's occupation and conflict.

The event reflected on the ways in which certain technological devices have been used over the last few years, not only as a way of reflecting on issues of deterritorialization, but also of counter-occupation.

direito 2

Guilherme Blanc also highlighted how certain cinematographic mechanisms are used in the conception of the 'body' in its distant relationship with an occupied territory, offering participants the opportunity to reflect on perceptions and stereotypes related to a conflict that has been evolving over the last few decades.

As part of its International Studies Program, the Faculty of Law presents a program of Open Classes in Arts, International Law and International Relations.

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