Science, Technology and Art


This PhD Program was established with the aim of developing a study program where artists, scientists and researchers from different backgrounds can develop multidisciplinary research in the field of artistic practices.

Its curriculum explores themes related to the conceptual, creative and technological aspects of the artistic process, as well as its relationship to the fundamental humanities and social sciences.


a. Characteristics

  • Innovative and differentiated pedagogical model, inspired by project based and artistic based learning references, which combines highly specialized advanced training, research and project practices appropriate to the artistic context
  • Regularly awarded and distinguished faculty members, in a variety of festivals and cultural circles, combining research and professional experience with extensive artistic practice
  • Furthermore, measures are underway to consolidate the teaching career. The relationship between internal professors and external guests (directors, artists, technicians, professionals) is already an EA practice with visible results in supporting the development of artistic and research projects
  • This synergy is reinforced in a sustained way by the regular organization of several international initiatives, such as the Summer School, Open Classes Program, Artist Residencies and the Visiting Artist program or Spring Seminar
  • Candidates benefit from a technological park and up-to-date equipment and from a dynamic and comprehensive plan of scientific, artistic and cultural activities, promoted either by CITAR or by the EA itself
  • The doctoral plan works in a multidisciplinary context by nature, which allows for an offer of syllabus that covers several artistic and research areas
  • CITAR is rated excellent by FCT, the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation. This classification, in addition to representing a high quality of research, also represents greater access to funding for projects and theses.
  • The doctoral plan works fully in the English language, which makes it possible to cover a universe, both of doctoral students and guests, not limited by the language
  • EA and CITAR maintain a very strong and dynamic partnership with cultural institutions of the northern region of Portugal with a worldwide artistic dimension, such as Fundação de Serralves, Casa da Música and Gnration/Braga Media Arts. These partnerships allow doctoral students to have a privileged contact with contemporary production as observers and researchers, as well as allowing them to have privileged access to institutions and programmers as artists and creators
  • There is great diversity in geographic and cultural origin, as well as in the scientific preparation and previous development activity of the vast majority of doctoral candidates. This diversity creates a unique synergy and context, favoring the development process of research and artistic projects
  • EA, with its offer of degrees and masters in the area, integrates students in a dynamic and lively environment, with opportunities to develop more complete academic skills profiles
  • Support for the development of applied research in the theoretical and practical scope through the CCD that integrates the national FCT roadmap for research infrastructures of strategic interest. In addition to the exclusive subjects, doctoral students can attend all the curricular units offered in the different areas of specialization of the Masters in Sound and Image, Cinema, Photography and Creative Industries, which will allow doctoral students to obtain technical and practical knowledge that are decisive for the development of their theses.

b. Main Objectives

  • Multidisciplinary research environment, promoting convergence between various research areas (Fine Arts, Cinema, Sound and Image, Music, New Media Art, Engineering, and others)
  • Program designed to meet the needs of students/researchers with a varied profile who present work and artistic practice already developed and/or a professional path linked to research in the area of Science and Technology of the Arts
  • Taking these aspects into account, the program invests in a high-level research profile and aims to provide systematic research capabilities as well as specialized tools in the field of technologies applied to creation and the arts. In this context, doctoral education and training aims to involve those dedicated to critical thinking, history, aesthetics and theory of the arts.

c. Scholarships and Grants

Candidates may request the study of their individual situation, and evaluate the possibilities of support available.

d. Schedule a Visit

send an email to to schedule or call +351 935 370 331


Contactos Cursos

Academic Services

Student Care
+351 935 370 331

Administrative Services
Mónica Monteiro
+351 226 196 267

Admission Support
+351 939 450 000