Seminar · Post-Production as Creation in Cinema
APRIL - JUNE, 2024
School of Arts, Universidade Católica Portuguesa
Free entrance
The programme for this series of seminars is closely linked to the School of Arts' (EA) new Specialised Training in Film Post-Production. It invites guests of national and international renown - with an artistic and scientific background of enormous relevance in the field of cinema and, more specifically, editing and post-production - to a series of sessions that will allow CITAR researchers and EA students to have closer and more open contact with them. Their interventions and the dialogue with them will make it possible to develop a critical reflection on artistic practice processes that are highly topical and important, as well as to anticipate relevant methodologies and challenges within the area of post-production.
The five "Post-Production as Creation in Cinema" seminars will therefore involve the following guests:
Claire Atherton |april 19th, 18h00 (Ilídio Pinho Auditorium)
Paulo Américo | may 15th, 14h30 (Ilídio Pinho Auditorium)
Mark Mangini | may 17th, 18h00 (Ilídio Pinho Auditorium)
Mariana Gaivão | may 25th, 10h00 (Room EA-117)
Alexander Gerner | june 29th, 10h00 (Room EA018)