
Doctorate in Audiovisual Communication from the Faculty of Information Sciences of the Complutense University of Madrid (2015). Assistant Professor and Coordinator of the Film Degree programme at the School of Arts. Since 2017 he has worked with UNESCO as an external consultant on activities and projects for the Creative Cities Network. He has worked in cinema in the areas of Production and Scriptwriting.

Research projects

Relevant publications

  • Alves, P.; Rubio-Tamayo, J. L.; Duran-Fonseca, E. (2023), “Investigating a cinematic virtual reality narrative framework for screenwriting”. Journal of Screenwriting, 14(3), pp. 311–33. josc_00136_1.
  • Alves, P. (2021). “Surfaces of desire: a portrait of film experience based on Shirin”. L’Atalante – Revista de Estudios Cinematográficos, 32, 163-176.
  • Alves, P.; Pereira, A.S. (2020). “Short film production in educational contexts: exploring the methodology of the Olhar pela Lente project in Portugal”. Film Education Journal, 3 (1), 13–31. DOI 10.14324/FEJ.03.1.02.
  • Alves, P.; García García, F. (coord.) (2017). Oficios del cine: manual para prácticas cinematográficas. Madrid: ICONO14/CITCEM. ISBN: 978-989-8351-61-6 (Portugal); 978-849-4028-92-2 (Espanha).
  • Alves, L.A.; García García, F.; Alves, P. (coord.) (2014). Aprender del cine: narrativa y didáctica. Madrid: ICONO14. ISBN: 978-84-158-16-07-2.

Areas of scientific interest​

  • Cinema
  • Visual Arts
  • Narrative
  • Education
  • Criativity