Patrícia Moreira da Costa

Invited Assistant Professor


Research projects

Principal Investigator of:

  • BIONANOSCULP (Development of BIONANOmaterials for antimicrobial coating of exterior metal and stone sculptures) €195,160.00 PTDC/EPH-PAT/6281/2014 supported by national funds from FCT- Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.
  • BIO4MURAL (Innovative biotechnology solutions for pigment removal and preventive conservation of culturally and historically relevant mural paintings) €238,351.82, approved for funding.

Relevant publications

  • Ayodeji, B., Piccirillo, C., Ferraro, V, Moreira, P.R., Obadina, A.O., Sanni, L.O. and Pintado, M.E. 2017. Screening and molecular identification of lactic acid bacteria from gari and fufu and gari effluents. Annals in Microbiology 67:123–133.
  • Marco, A., Moreira, P. R., Pintado, M. and Vieira, E. 2016. Enzymatic degradation of fungal pigmentation from wall painting’s isolates. Color Research and Application, 41(3):200-301.
  • General, P., Vieira, E., Vieira, M., Frade, J. and Moreira, P. 2016. Restauro da escultura em argamassa armada “Ternura”. Metodologia, critérios e desafios. Actas do DEGRADA 2016- II Encontro Luso-Brasileiro de Degradação de Estruturas de Betão. In portuguese. In Press.
  • Moreira, P. and Pintado, M.E. 2014. “A importância da vida no pó: aerobiologia na conservação preventiva” The importance of life in dust: aerobiology in preventive conservation. Actas das IX Jornadas de Arte e Ciência da UCP | V Jornadas da ARP. 255-262. In Portuguese.
  • Moreira, P.R. 2012. Microorganisms in the museum- why we should care about what´s floating in the air. In Conservation & Preservation Contemporary Art 1st Seminar Integrated Pest Management. Fundação de Serralves. 161-170. English and Portuguese.

Areas of scientific interest

  • Biotechnology and nanotechnology for conservation and restoration;
  • Biodeterioration;
  • Biodegradation;
  • Science and art;
  • Preventive conservation;
  • Sustainability and the circular economy; "Green Conservation";
  • Bioproducts;
  • Enzymology;
  • Mycology;
  • Microbiology.

Theses as supervisor
See list here