Luís Teixeira

Assistant Professor

Generic Bio

  • Coordination of Citar's participation in the CHIC project - Cooperative Holistic view on Internet and Content, POCI-01-0247-FEDER-024498, 2017-2020
    Scientific coordination of CITAR's participation in the NORTE-07-0124-FEDER-000061 "Media, Arts & Technologies" project, 2015
    National delegate to the COST ISCH Action IS1004 Webdatanet, (October 2012 - June 2015)
    Coordination of CITAR's participation in Project EXPL/MHC-PCL/1011/2013 MIPA-MOBILE - Monitoring psychotherapeutic intervention with adolescents using mobile applications, (April 2013 - July 2014).PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto.
  • Master's degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Telecommunications branch, from the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto.
  • Degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Informatics and Systems branch, from the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto.

Research projects

  • Coordination of participation in the CREAHLANDS project - Landscapes that connect. Smart Specialisation in the Creative Management of the Rural Heritage and Landscape (2020-1-ES01-KA227-ADU-094976) [March 2021 - February 2023 ]
  • Coordination of the research line "Engaging citizens through art creation" of the project "HAC4CG- Heritage, Art, Creation for Climate change. Living the city: catalysing spaces for learning, creation and action towards climate change" (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000067) [2021 - 2023].
  • Co-coordination of the service contract for the development of continuous monitoring and final evaluation of the "Coriolis - Movement for Sustainability" project implemented by Companhia Instável (November 2020 - April 2022).
  • Coordination of the School of Arts' participation in ERASMUS+ Project 617486-EPP-1-2020-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP YUCUNET Establishment of a Yucatan-Cuba Network of MA programmes in Contemporary Art and Cultural Management (January 2021 - December 2023)
  • Coordination of the School of Arts' participation in the ERASMUS+ PROGRAMME Project: 610134-EPP-1-2019-1-JO-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP HEALING: Developing a Multidisciplinary Diploma on Art Therapy in Health Education (March 2020 - February 2023)
  • Coordination of the Centre for Digital Creativity project (Project PINFRA/22133/2016) (2017 - 2020)

Relevant publications

  • Amorim, J. P., Teixeira, L. (2020) Art in the Digital during and after Covid: Aura and Apparatus of Online Exhibitions. Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities, 5(12),
  • Amorim, J.P., Crespo, N. , Teixeira, L. (2020) Infection, Participation and Informality in Arts Education: the Case of the School of Arts (Porto). European Journal of Cultural Management and Policy, 10 (2), pp. 50-63
  • Amorim, J.P., Teixeira, L.M.L. (2019) Artistic residencies as a platform for advanced research in art: the case of the School of Arts (Porto). In [Proceedings] Creative Industries Global Conference 2019. Orihuela, Spain  
  • Assaf, R., Kunz, S., Teixeira, L.M.L. (2020) The Presence of the Uncanny Valley Between Animation and Cinema: In Célia Soares, Emília Simão (eds.) Multidisciplinary Perspectives on New Media Art. IGI Global. A Communication Approach,
  • Cortes, M.R., Teixeira, L.M.L. (2020) Evolução do Setor Cultural e Criativo em Portugal de 2012 a 2018. Anais do Seminário de Pós-Graduação - 2020, v13. Novo Hamburgo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil
  • Cortez, M. R., Teixeira, L. (2020), Análise do Setor Cultural e Criativo em Portugal: principais estudos macroeconómicos entre 2008-2018, Diálogo com a Economia Criativa, Volume 5 (15), December, pp. 72-94, https://  
  • Costa, B., & Teixeira, L. M. L. (2019). Projetos artísticos no domínio das artes de rua na Europa. Revista Gestão e Desenvolvimento, 16(2), 211.
  • Mazeda, M., & Teixeira, L. (2020). Aplicações móveis para o Turismo Cultural: Caminhos de Santiago. Revista Lusófona De Estudos Culturais, 7(1).
  • Silva, C., Teixeira, L. (2020) Comparative analysis of the Master's degrees in Cultural Management: Brazil, Spain and Portugal. In I Congresso Ibero-americano Interdisciplinar de Economia Criativa: Rio de Janeiro, Brasil,
  • Silva, M., Morais, D., Assaf, R., Teixeira, L.M.L., Pollini, D. (2019). The Apprentice Gaze – AR Experience on Serralves Museum. In [Proceedings] Artech’19, October, 2019, Braga, Portugal  
  • Silva, M., Morais, D., Mazeda, M., Teixeira, L. (2020) Mobile applications in Cultural Heritage context: a survey. In C. Soares & E.Simão (eds.) Multidisciplinary Perspectives on New Media Art,
  • Silva, M., Morais, D., Mazeda, M., Teixeira, L.M.L. (2019) Combining Augmented Reality with Graffiti Using Mobile Application: First Results . In [Proceedings] Creative Industries Global Conference 2019. Orihuela, Spain,  
  • Silva, M., Teixeira, L. (2020) Developing an eXtended Reality platform for Immersive and Interactive Experiences for Cultural Heritage: Serralves Museum and Coa Archeologic Park. In 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality Adjunct (ISMAR-Adjunct), .
  • Sousa, J.P., Teixeira, L.M.L. (2019) Residências Artísticas como Plataformas de Investigação Artística: Poetry as an Echological Survival. Anais do Seminário de Pós-Graduação - 2019, v12. Novo Hamburgo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil  
  • Teixeira, L., Silva-Domínguez, C. (2020) Internships at Creative and Cultural Industries Management Master Programs in Spain and Portugal: a comparative study. In CUICIID 2020 . Madrid, Spain,
  • Teixeira, L., Silva-Domínguez, C.(2020) Internships at Creative and Cultural Industries Management Master Programs in Spain and Portugal: a Comparative Study. In [Proceedings] CUICIID 2020, (Congreso Universitario Internacional sobre Contenidos, Investigación, Innovación y Docencia), October, 2020, Madrid, Espanha (aceite para publicação)
  • Teixeira, L., Verdelho, V. (2018). Estudo sobre as oportunidades para o desenvolvimento do cluster criativo de bandas de música existentes no Centro Comercial Stop. Porto: Universidade Católica Editora

Areas of scientific interest

  • Digital Arts
  • Digital Media Content Creation
  • Digital Video Signal Processing
  • Future Internet
  • Creative and Cultural Sector

Theses as supervisor
See list here