Igor Jesus

Som e Imagem


Igor Jesus (Lisbon, 1989) has a degree in Sculpture from the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Lisbon, his practice is diverse, starting from his sculptural training to a path where he uses painting, video, photography, sculpture or installation without distinction. .
He recently held solo exhibitions Chessari at Solar Galeria de Arte Cinemática; The last letter to Santa Claus at Galeria Filomena Soares and Under the Sol in Appleton Square, Lisbon. He participated in several group exhibitions in 2016, namely: Karin Sander, Igor Jesus and Igor Bosnjak, Artist ’Film International, Whitechapel Gallery, London, UK; Artist’ Film International, MAAT – Museu Arte, Arquitectura, Tecnologia, Lisbon; Down with Borders! Long live Design and the Arts!, MUDE, Sala do Risco/Pátio da Galé, Lisbon; Topología del Aura, Galería Bacelos, Madrid, Spain.