Nuno Crespo, Director of School of Arts, launched the book "Textos Públicos - Arte Portuguesa Contemporânea 2003-2023", last Friday, March 1, in Lisbon.
This is a publication that aims to contribute to the construction of the memory of different artistic moments and contexts, helping to understand what was, in general and necessarily incomplete terms, the reception of the work of a group of artists and thus contribute to a history of contemporary Portuguese art in the first 20 years of the 21st century.
"The texts that follow are all occasional: they responded to exhibition moments and always concerned personal choices," said Nuno Crespo.
For the Director of School of Arts, "this book is not only about presences, but also about absences: artists, exhibitions and works are missing, fundamental not only in the context of contemporary Portuguese art, but also in the way they are references, albeit invisible and discreet, in the way we see and understand many of the exhibitions here".
The book presentation session began at 7pm at Brotéria, in Lisbon, and was attended by the author, Nuno Crespo, and led by Bárbara Reis, a journalist from the public, and the artist José Pedro Cortes.