New issue of JSTA - Journal of Science and Technology of the Arts

Thursday, November 23, 2023 - 11:17

The new issue of JSTA - Journal of Science and Technology of the Arts, Vol. 15 Nr. 1 of 2023, is now available. 


In this issue of JSTA we publish a conversation between Ulrich Baer and Manthia Diawara, based on the latter's work, focusing on notions such as art, culture, and identity, as well as the influence of Édouard Glissant on his work. We also publish two essays in the field of new media: one on the process of co-creation in the field of virtual reality opera and another that explores the application of the Barthian concept of punctum in the field of interactive installations. The issue also features two audiovisual essays and their respective commentaries: one on the different dimensions of change and the other that relates two films - one by Yasujirō Ozu and the other by João Botelho - through the theme of family. The issue closes with a review of the book Investigative Aesthetics: Conflict and Commons in the Politics of Truth (2021).

The new issue is available here.

More information here.