Call for Papers
Animation and Comics: In-between Panel and Frame
Extended Deadline: October 10, 2022
Editors: Sahra Kunz (UCP-EA/CITAR); Ekaterina Cordas (UCP-CECC); Ricardo Megre (UCP-EA/CITAR).

This call aims to pioneer a cross-disciplinary discussion platform that would initiate a fruitful dialogue between the fields of Animation and Comics. Responding to a growing artistic and academic interest in these two media and to the new conceptual, practical and theoretical challenges they pose, we feel the need to provide a space for academics and artists to share ideas about these subjects.
These are very dynamic, and often under-recognized areas in the arts, even though they often underlie some of the most successful cinematic productions of our time. As such, they are moving more and more into the mainstream consciousness and attracting an extensive audience and critical acclaim. For this special issue, we invite article submissions that critically reflect on the transformations these two media underwent throughout the years and that focus on the various meeting points and divergences between the two.
Submission topics:
• 2D, 3D and mixed media Animation
• Experimental Animation and Emerging Formats
• Subsidiary Animation (in games and interactive media)
• Genres and Narrative in Animation/Comics
• Characters in Animation/Comics
• Sound and speech in Animation/Comics
• Mainstream vs. Independent Animation/Comics
• Political and gender issues in Animation/Comics
• Animation, Comics and Cinematic adaptations
• Technological issues and production processes in Animation
• Uncanny Valley
• Aesthetic languages in Animation/Comics - from stylisation to realism
• Drawing and line in Animation/Comics
• Colour and lighting in Animation/Comics
• Animation History
• Contemporary issues in Animation/Comics
• Animation styles throughout the World
• Rhythm, pacing and movement in Animation
• Pop Culture and Animation/Comics
• Documentary Animation
• Post-Memory
• Animation and subversion of norms
• Animation as language of resistance
• (Im)materialities of Animation
• Interdisciplinary approaches to studying Animation/Comics
• Author voice vs Market hegemony in Animation/Comics
• New modes of spectatorship/readership of Animation/Comics
• Medium specificity of Animation/Comics