Theory, History and Deontology of Restoration

3 ECTS / Semestral / English, Portuguese

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit: 

  • Know the historical evolution of conservation-restauration activity; 
  • Deepen knowledge about the formulation of the profession and activity in national and international context; 
  • Know the fundamental criteria and principles of conservation-restoration; 
  • Strengthen and develop critical thinking and technical skills argumentation and theoretical foundation; 
  • Develop autonomy in decision making. 

At the end of the course, students who complete it will be able to: 

  • Distinguish the different contexts that’s determine a decision: historical, aesthetic and cultural context; 
  • Demonstrate the importance and weight of the intention before the function and/or artisticity; 
  • Mastering the theoretical principles of the activity; 
  • Reflect critically and argumentatively on decision-making and conservation-restoration interventions, establishing a bridge between theory and practice; 
  • Apply theoretical concepts in practical cases and intervention proposals.