History of Cinema II

4 ECTS / Semestral / English, Portuguese
This curricular unit will focus on two strands: the structuring concepts of the Soviet montage and the rupture of modern cinema, understanding it as a cinema that intends to think conceptually its own status. 


After finishing this curricular unit, students should be able to:

a) Reflect critically on the importance of the montage in the construction of film discourse.
b) Identify, distinguish and characterize the different types of film montage developed in the first decades of the History of Cinema, in particular, the practical and theoretical formulations of the Soviet cinema of the 1920s.
c) Recognize, in the History of Cinema, the importance of the authors' politics and the following understanding of modern cinema.
d) Distinguish and identify different new waves in European, South American and Asian cinemas.
e) Understand and identify the changes in American cinema of the 1970s and the reformulation of the Hollywood canon.


Invited Assistant Professor
Relevant publications Natálio, C. (2023). Dossier Pedagógico Jaime de António Pedro Vasconcelos. Plano Nacional de…