Porto Summer School on Art & Cinema 2025
June 30 to July 4
School of Arts of Universidade Católica Portuguesa
Presentation Proposals or Artistic Projects Proposals
– until May 2, in this link.
In line with the general guidelines of the 2025 Summer School, we invite artists, scholars, and collectives to submit proposals for presentations or artistic works, which will take place in the mornings of the event.
These 30-minute presentations will be organized into thematic panels. Participation can take various forms, whether more performative or theoretical, addressing the key issues outlined in the curatorial text. Submitted proposals should reflect the main theme of the Summer School, encompassing different lines of research. Proposals may explore this theme through artistic practice or academic research.
We strongly encourage proposals from women, Black, Indigenous, and LGBTQIA+ individuals. Morning panel participants will also be registered participants of the Summer School.
(The School of Arts does not fund travel or accommodation. Selected proposals will participate in the Summer School free of charge).