RelicS 2021

1st International Conference on Relic Studies




Carlos Evaristo is a Portuguese Canadian historian, archaeologist and author. On October 2019, Evaristo was appointed by the Brazilian Government to serve as Honorary Consul of Brazil in Fátima, Portugal. Evaristo is the author of over 150 books and publications and co-author and ghost-writer of over 50 other works.

Among his many published Studies are: "A Study - The Story and the Relics of the Most Holy Miracle of Santarém" Carlos Evaristo (Regina Mundi Press I.C.H.R. 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000) and "Welcome to the Shrine of the Santarém Miracle of Santarém", Carlos Evaristo (Regina Mundi Press I.C.H.R.1996) which proposed to the creation of the Shrine of the Santarém Miracle of Santarém with the restoration of the Cult, Reliquary, Major Relics and the Royal Brotherhood with the popular Annual Celebrations and Procession held since 1996; "The Inventory, Description and Evaluation of the Religious Historical Heritage of the Parish of Juncal "Carlos Evaristo (Regina Mundi Press I.C.H.R. 1994); "A Study of the Evolutionary Use of Monstrances and Reliquaries for the Vatican Museums Exhibit: Saint Peter and the Vatican - The Legacy of the Popes" Carlos Evaristo (Vatican City 2003), among many others.
Evaristo is CEO, President and together with his wife is Co-Founder of the Fundação Histórico - Cultural Oureana, founded by John Mathias Haffert. He is also Director / Curator of several Museums that he created and or sponsored (Espaço Museológico Santuário do Santíssimo Milagre de Santarém (Santarém), Sedes Mundi Reginae Museums; Museu Oureana, Museu Botica de São João (a Medieval Apothecary), Museu Mariano, Museu Exposição Nacional do Santo Condestável (Ourém Castle), Espaço Museológico D. Afonso, IV Conde de Ourém (Porto de Mós Castle, O Recanto, Espaço Museológico Eugénia Lima, Rainha do Accordeão).

Georges Kazan


Georges Kazan is a Senior Researcher in Archaeology and Advanced Studies at the University of Turku in Finland. Since 2012, he has been a research associate of the School of Archaeology at the University of Oxford, where he also gained his doctorate, studying the origins and development of the early cult of Christian relics. His research applies a range of disciplines (archaeology, natural sciences, philosophy, history, art history) to the study of Christian relics, in order to gain as full an understanding as possible of their significance. In 2015, with the Oxford archaeologist, Professor Thomas Higham, he co-founded the Oxford Relics Cluster to further this interdisciplinary research. He has also worked to establish or develop new archaeological science methods where possible. He is a member of Europae Thesauri (European Association of Church and Cathedral Treasuries), and has led a number of relic research projects, in collaboration with national museums, cathedrals and archdioceses. With the approval of these stakeholders, he has also collaborated with mainstream media and news channels (e.g. CNN) to communicate this research to the public.



Massimiliano Ghilardi, late antique archaeologist, Associate Director of the National Institute of Roman Studies, General Secretary of the International Union of Institutes of Archaeology History and Art History in Rome, Corresponding Member of the Pontifical Roman Academy of Archaeology, Member of the Römische Institut der Görres Gesellschaft, Professor of Christian Archaeology at the Institutum Patristicum Augustinianum - Pontifical Lateran University, Professor of Christian Archaeology at the Pontifical Gregorian University, works on the history and topography of late antique Rome, on Italian historiography of the twentieth century and on the rediscovery, from a Counter-Reformation ideological perspective, of Christian antiquities – especially relics – in the early modern age.

In addition to numerous essays in scientific journals, he is author or editor of the volumes: Saeculum sanctorum. Catacombe, reliquie e devozione nella Roma del Seicento (Roma 2020); Il santo con due piedi sinistri. Appunti sulla genesi dei corpisanti in ceroplastica (Città di Castello 2019); Arte Resistenza Storia. Un ritratto di Roberto Battaglia (with Rosanna De Longis, Roma 2015); Ad ultimos usque terrarum terminos in fide propaganda. Roma fra promozione e difesa della fede in età moderna (with Gaetano Sabatini, Matteo Sanfilippo and Donatella Strangio, Viterbo 2014); La città diRoma nel disegno di riordinamento politico e amministrativo di Giustiniano (with Gianluca Pilara, Roma 2012); Il Tempo di Natale nella Roma di Gregorio Magno (with Gianluca Pilara, Roma 2010); La città di Roma nel pontificato di Damaso (366-384) (with Gianluca Pilara, Roma 2010); I barbari che presero Roma. Il sacco del 410 e le sue conseguenze (with Gianluca Pilara, Roma 2010); Sanguine tumulus madet. Devozione al sangue dei martiri delle catacombe nella prima età moderna (Roma 2008); Gli arsenali della Fede. Tre saggi su apologia e propaganda delle catacombe romane (da Gregorio XIII a Pio XI) (Roma 2006); Les cités de l’Italie tardo-antique (IV-VI siècle): institutions, economie, société, culture et religion (with Christophe J. Goddard and Pierfrancesco Porena, Roma 2006); Subterranea civitas. Quattro studi sulle catacombe romane dal Medioevo all’Età Moderna (Roma 2003); Fori Imperiali - Crypta Balbi. Archeologia urbana a Roma e interventi di restauro nell’anno del Grande Giubileo (with Serena Baiani, Roma 2000).



IV Colóquio Português de Ourivesaria

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