Open Conferences · Heritage Studies


Escola das Artes


Tel.: (+351) 226 196 267 | 240 | 275 


Universidade Católica Portuguesa
Rua Diogo Botelho, n.º 1327
4169-005 Porto

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Open Conferences · Heritage Studies



14 OUT 2021 - 28 OUT 2021 | ONLINE

No contexto do lançamento da edição de 2021/22 dos Doutoramentos em Conservação e Restauro e de Estudos de Património, a Escola das Artes e o CITAR (Centro de Investigação em Ciência e Tecnologia das Artes) organizam um programa de conferências online sobre Estudos de Património, com alguns dos mais importantes especialistas da área.


14 OUT, 16h00 | ONLINE
Prof. Sander Münster (Friedrich Schiller University Jena) · Digital Humanities

Sander Münster studied economics, history and educational science at the TU Dresden until 2009 and did his doctorate in 2014 in the field of educational technology under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Thomas Köhler and Prof. Dr. Stephan Hoppe on "Interdisciplinary cooperation in the creation of historical 3D reconstructions". Since 2018 he has been a habilitant in media computing at the University of Regensburg under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Christian Wolff, Prof. Dr. Hans Gruber and Prof. Dr. Malte Rehbein. His habilitation topic is "Digital 3D technologies for humanities research and education".

20 OUT, 16h00 | ONLINE
Dominique Poulot (EHAAS : École d'histoire de l'art et d'archéologie de la Sorbonne) · Collections History

Associate professor of history, is an honorary member of the Institut Universitaire de France, and former president of the Committee for Historical and Scientific Works (Ecole des Chartes). His research focuses on the institution of the museum and more broadly on heritage development in modern and contemporary eras. He was marked by the teaching of Maurice Agulhon in Paris 1 and Pierre Nora at EHESS, under whose direction he defended his DEA in 1979. His doctoral thesis, ten years later, supervised by Daniel Roche, evokes the intellectual origins of heritage and the formation of museums in France. Jean Monnet Fellow at the European University Institute (Florence) in 1990-1991, he then became professor of modern history at the Universities of Grenoble II and Tours, before joining the Institute of Art and Archeology of Paris 1 in 2000. He was a Getty Scholar at the Getty Research Institute, Ailsa Mellon Bruce Visiting Senior Fellow at CASVA, Washington, Fellow at the House of History in Geneva and at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Bologna, and Visiting Professor in numerous Canadian and North American universities, including the France Chairs at the University of Montreal and Alliance at Columbia.

26 OUT, 16h00 | ONLINE
Josep Grau-Bové (University College London) · Data Science for Cultural Heritage / Citizen Science

Lecturer in Science and Engineering in Arts, Heritage and Archaeology (SEAHA).
Director of the MSc Data Science for Cultural Heritage.
Projects: Preventive Conservation Lab, APACHE, IPERION-HS, Monument Monitor Departmental Graduate Tutor (Research - ISH).
Institute for Sustainable Heritage
University College London

28 OUT, 16h00 | ONLINE
Stefanno de la Torre (Politécnico de Milão) · Cultural Heritage and Sustainability. Programed Conservation

NEW DATE: 29 OUT, 15h00 | ONLINE
Dacia Viejo Rose (Cambridge University) · Cultural Heritage in Conflict times. From Violence to Reconstruction

My research interests lie in the nexus between cultural heritage and the political uses of the past. At the moment my work focuses on how cultural heritage can be a vector for violence both as a target and instrument - including dynamics threat, fear, anxiety, uncertainty, and risk. I am especially interested in how cultural heritage is used, and abused, during armed conflicts to divide, exclude, and intimidate. The motivation behind this line of questioning is to try and discover potential mechanisms for ‘disarming’ heritage so that it can be a tool for constructive dialogue, dignity, and respect. More recently, I have been working on assessing the harm done by attacks on cultural heritage and how a nuanced understanding of this might inform measures of repair. This line of research has led me to investigate recent developments at the International Criminal Court and work by the Trust Fund for Victims. Coming out of, and feeding into, this main line of my research are others such as trying to understand how developments in the neuroscience of memory might be applied to heritage studies, heritage ecologies, and how our perception of risk informs our valuation of heritage. I regularly collaborate with NGOs and international organisations on matters of cultural heritage, its uses and interpretation, especially as they relate to conflict and humanitarian interventions.


Escola das Artes


Tel.: (+351) 226 196 267 | 240 | 275 


Universidade Católica Portuguesa
Rua Diogo Botelho, n.º 1327
4169-005 Porto

More Information


Open Conferences · Heritage Studies



Escola das Artes


Tel.: (+351) 226 196 267 | 240 | 275 


Universidade Católica Portuguesa
Rua Diogo Botelho, n.º 1327
4169-005 Porto

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