Ink and Motion #2 International Conference on Animation and Comics

  22nd march 2024 - Friday 23rd march 2024 - Saturday
9H30  Welcome and registration of participants                                             

Welcome and registration of participants                                             


10H00 Opening word by Daniel Ribas, Director of Research Center for Science and Technology of the Arts

Paper presentations. Group 3. 
Moderated by João Apolinário

Catarina Castel-Branco
"From Jyllands-Posten to Global Protests: Navigating the Complexities of Cultural Representations in Cartoons"


Paper presentations. Group 1. 
Moderated by Sahra Kunz

Eliane Gordeeff, Marcelus Gaio and David Santos
"Animated Characters from Comics"

Leonor Faria Henriques
"Metalepsis in the Beginning of Animation"

Linda Koncz
"Dream and Animation"

Lorena Ramos, Luciana Lima, Inês Costa and Carolina Bonzinho
"Animation as a Way of Increasing the Visibility of Women in the Digital Games Sector in Portugal"

Dácil Roca Vera and Alfonso Ruiz Rallo 
"Frame-by-Frame Analysis of the Backlash Discourses Against Diversity in Modern Animation"


Paper presentations. Group 2. 
Moderated by Bruno Leal

Laura Anahory
"The representation of environmental issues in animation through animism and anthropomorphism: Studio Ghibli"

Nuno Baptista, Patrícia Gouveia
"Encapsulated Horizon: Exploring the Evolution and Corruption of the Landscape at the Intersection of Experimental Animation, Hybridization and New Media"

Diana David
"The differences between crafting an animation in surface Reality versus Virtual Reality"

Paper presentations. Group 4
Moderated by Ekaterina Cordas

Gabriela Sá, Paula Tavares and Heitor Alvelos
"Grotesque and Ancient Women: Design of the Female Shaman Character in Contemporary Feature Film Animation"

Thales Reis Alecrim
"Conan the Barbarian: Representations of a Warrior Culture in Comics, Cinema, and Metal Music in the Late Capitalism"

Ema Lavrador and Carina Pierro Corso
"Body and Screen: Embodiment and Haptic Cinematography in 'por favor, toque/please touch' (2022)"

13H00-14H30 Lunch Break                                    Lunch Break
14H30-16H00 "Fifty Years of Portuguese Comics: From the Catharsis of the Post-Revolutionary period to the Consolidation of an Artistic Identity"
Roundtable - Nuno Amorim & Mosi (BD)
“From the formation of a collective to the Oscars” Masterclass 
Bruno Caetano (BD/AN)
16H00–16H30 Coffee Break                                      Coffee Break
16H30–18H30  "Ecology and Animation" Keynote - Michael Dudok deWit (AN) "Framing the Future of Portuguese Animation" Piquenique na Lua - Carina Corso & Matilde Camacho
18H30-20H00  "Contemporary issues in Animation" Roundtable - Michael Dudok deWit & Paul Wells (AN) "Same Creatures, Different Beasts; Some Utopian Thoughts on Animated Sporting Animals" Keynote - Paul Wells (AN)

All the conference sessions will take place in the Ilídio Pinho Auditorium at the School of Arts of the Portuguese Catholic University. 



Djaimilia Pereira de Almeida

Auditório Ilídio Pinho

Rua de Diogo Botelho 1327
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IV Colóquio Português de Ourivesaria

Escola das Artes | Universidade Católica Portuguesa

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