EPoCH 2024: Emerging Perspectives on Conservation and Heritage

EPoCH 2024: Emerging Perspectives on Conservation and Heritage - Call for papers

Call for papers

Abstract and papers are submited via Easychair and should contain the following information:

  • Title
  • Authors' names, affiliations and contacts
  • Abstract, 500 words maximum
  • 3-5 keywords
  • 3-5 references
  • Authors' short bio (maximum 200 words)

All abstracts must be submitted and presented in English, and approval of all co-authors must be obtained before placing their names on the abstract.
Authors can only submit one abstract or paper for oral communication.
Authors should specify if oral communication or poster presentation is preferred.

The authors of the best communications will be invited after the conference to send a full paper to integrate the special issue of Advances in Cultural Heritage (by Universidade Católica Portuguesa), a peer reviewed journal from the Research Center for Science and Technology of the Arts (CITAR) to promote research and dissemination within Heritage, Conservation and Restoration emergent and impactful topics. All full papers will be double-blind reviewed through the journals’ review process and published under an open access policy and with no article submission charges or article processing charges.
Authors will have 15 minutes time for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion. Check in before your session commences to check our presentation on the conference room computer with the technical staff. 
Posters will be displayed on electronic screens during the coffee breaks.  The poster presenter is requested to send a pdf file in advance to the organising committee and to be at her/his poster during the presentation time. 


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IV Colóquio Português de Ourivesaria

Escola das Artes | Universidade Católica Portuguesa

Rua de Diogo Botelho 1327
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