DIY Workshop

4 ECTS / Semestral / Portuguese

The main objective of the DIY fabrication UV is toenable the students with the knowledge to plan and fabricate physical objects, in an artistic context, using traditional and digital techniques.

In the end of the UC, the students must be able to:

a) Plan, budget and calendarize the fabrication of artistic and technical physical objects.

b) Make a technical drawing and schematics of the object to be fabricated.c)Use traditional and standard manual tools.

d) Use power machinery and tools for metal and wood working.

e) Design, model and implement the CAM/CNC routines for additive 3D printing.

f) Design, model and implement the CAM/CNC routines for subtractive 3D printing (CNC routing and cutting).

g) Design, test and fabricate simple electronic circuits.

h) Design and implemente the electrical part of projects.

i) Apply a finishing layer to the fabricated objects (polishing, vernish, paint).