This Curricular Unit aims at providing Students with knowledge that will allow them to understand and problematize the various relationships between image and meaning in the Visual Arts. Thus, the Students will not only be able to identify some key moments in the development of image coding andits interpretation up to contemporaneity (and its methods); but also, to recognize systems of problematization of the question of meaning that resists to the idea of imagelegibility. They must master methodologies and key concepts of both iconographic and semiotic practices and have tools that allow their conscious and critical use in the reflection on works of art.
a) To point out relevant moments in the history of iconography as a system of symbols articulated to convey meaning;
b) To signal the emergence of Iconography, as an area of knowledge, and to know methods of image analysis;
c) Acquire tools for the elaboration of iconographic analysis of works of art;
d) Identify different methodologies for image interpretation;
e) Understand basic notions of semiotics and image analysis models;
f) Differentiate notions of image, icon, iconography, iconology, symbol, sign (and relations between signs), meaning, represented, representative, message, communication, information.