The animated film "Percebes", by Alexandra Ramirez, a teacher at the School of Arts, and Laura Gonçalves, has been selected for the short film competition at the 48th edition of the Annecy Animated Film Festival. The French festival, one of the largest animation film festivals in the world, will take place between June 9 and 15.
The short film was produced by two animation teachers from the School of Arts, David Doutel and Vasco Sá, with sound editing by Bernardo Bento, EA Sound Design teacher, and sound mixing by José Vasco Carvalho, EA Sound and Image Master's Coordinator.
The film is produced by Bando à Parte (BAP - Animation Studio), a production company whose founders include several EA alumni.
Portugal, France, 2024, ANI, DOC, 11'30''
Directed by: Alexandra Ramires (Xá), Laura Gonçalves
Production: David Doutel, Vasco Sá, BAP - ANIMATION STUDIOS, Edwina Liard, Nidia Santiago, IKKI FILMS
Screenplay: Alexandra Ramires (Xá), Laura Gonçalves, Regina Guimarães
Music: Nicolas Tricot
Sound: Bernardo Bento
Animation: Inês Teixeira, Joana Teixeira, Leonor Pacheco, Laura Equi, Carolina Bonzinho
Synopsis: With the sea and an urban Algarve as a backdrop, we follow the complete life cycle of a special mollusc called PERCEBES. In the journey from its formation to the plate, we cross different contexts that allow us to better understand this region and those who inhabit it.