Porto Summer School on Art & Cinema 2023: Party Studies

Thursday, June 15, 2023 - 16:01
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Porto Summer School on Art & Cinema
5th Edition · Party Studies
3-8 Julho 2023

The fifth edition of Porto Summer School on Art & Cinema, organized by the School of Arts and the Arts Science and Technology Research Center, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, returns next month, between July 3 and 8, for a week dedicated to Party studies (and practice).

The Porto Summer School on Art & Cinema aims to be an advanced course on new cinema practices, combining critical thinking with contact with great creators of cinema and contemporary art. The diversity of procedural approaches, as well as the decisive issues of today's world, will be presented by internationally relevant directors/artists, in dialogue with thinkers, critics and academics who will discuss the work developed during the week.

Besides the daily workshops, the Summer School also has a public program, which includes performances, film screenings, exhibition openings and parties, in which the directors/artists present in the course will participate.

Throughout six days, Escola das Artes and other cultural spaces in Porto will host different initiatives integrated in the free program.

Public Program
Free Admission

July 3rd - 21H00 - Ilídio Pinho Auditorium, School of Arts
Tim Bernardes

July 4th - 21H30 - Batalha Cinema Center
Film session + Q&A
Si yo fuera el invierno mismo - Jazmín Lopez

July 5th - 19H30 - Serralves Museum Auditorium
Film Session + Q&A
Bárbara Wagner & Benjamin de Burca

July 6th - 22H00 - Passos Manuel
Carla Filipe presents I don't like parties never and forever
Abraxas (Live act)
Rare Romance

July 7th - 21H00 - Ilídio Pinho Auditorium, School of Arts
Conference - performance - party
What party does the body do? From Disco to House between Waacking, House and Old Way Vogue
Piny + Leo Soulflow + André Cabral + Baronesa

July 8th - 4:00pm - School of Arts
Teatro Praga

This program is offered to the city and its cultural audience

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