Mostra de Cinemas Indígenas at Porto

Monday, March 4, 2024 - 11:46

Escola das Artes, in partnership with and Cinema Trindade, presents the film cycle "Câmara-Corpo - Mostra de Cinema Indígenas", during the 15th to 17th of March, with screenings at Cinema Trindade.

This cycle begins with a masterclass by João Salaviza, Renée Messora and Francisco Hyjnõ on March 14th, in the context of the 2024 Concerts, Conferences, Exhibitions and Performances Program, under the theme "Não Foi Cabral"; and in anticipation of the premiere of the most recent film by João Salaviza and Renée Nader Messora "A Flor do Buriti", which closes the cycle on Sunday, March 17th.

  • March 14 · Masterclass with João Salaviza, Renée Messora and Francisco Hyjnõ (Escola das Artes, Auditório Ilídio Pinho).
  • March 15 · Screenings 19h00 and 21h30, at Cinema Trindade
  • March 16 · Screenings 19h00 and 21h30, at Cinema Trindade
  • March 17 · Premiere of "A Flor do Buriti", 21h30, at Cinema Trindade.

The complete program for this cycle, which includes several films made by different indigenous communities, is available at this link. In anticipation of the cycle, Cineclube EA projects "Chuva é Cantoria na Aldeia dos Mortos", the first film by João Salaviza and Renée Nader Messora in the Krahô community.

This is a program created in partnership with - Belo Horizonte Documentary and Ethnographic Film Festival, which in 27 annual editions has as one of its priorities in its programming the presentation and reflection on filmography produced by directors from different indigenous people living in Brazil today.

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