JSTA: New issue now available

Monday, April 15, 2024 - 14:20
JSTA v15n2

The new issue of JSTA — Journal of Science and Technology of the Arts is now available.

In this issue, we present a thematic dossier coordinated by Cristina Sá, Luciana Lima, and Patrícia Gouveia dedicated to the theme "Arts and Gaming, Convergent Feminism, and Speculative Futures." The issue includes several articles covering topics such as the use of artificial intelligence in the arts, research methodologies aimed at ecological and feminist transformation, perspectives on machinic and subjective aspects, and the enhancement of agency and empathy in game creation. Additionally, the issue features two audiovisual essays and respective comments: one focusing on queer audiovisual production and the other analyzing the narrative structure of "Pulp Fiction." The issue concludes with reviews of the books "Making Futures" (2022) by Spector Books and "Playing at a Distance: Borderlands of Videogame Aesthetic" (2022) by Sonia Fizek.

Consult the new issue HERE.

JSTA: Já disponível o novo número
JSTA: Já disponível o novo número
JSTA: Já disponível o novo número
JSTA: Já disponível o novo número