16 FEV | Lilia Schwarcz

Wednesday, February 7, 2024 - 19:00


16 FEB 2024, 18h30 | LILIA SCHWARCZ
Ilídio Pinho Auditorium

The annual programme of conferences, concerts, exhibitions and performances returns to the School of Arts on 16 February with Lilia Schwarcz's lecture "Images of whiteness: the presence of absence".

This presentation will look at how, for a long time, an asymmetrical relationship has been imposed on the relationship between whiteness and blackness. Regimes of visibility and invisibility; of presence and absence, of identity and anonymity inscribed in visual forms and documents.

Anthropologist, historian, full professor in the Department of Anthropology at the University of São Paulo and Global Scholar at Princeton University. Visiting Professor at Oxford, Leiden, Brown and Columbia. She is a guest curator at the São Paulo Museum of Art and a columnist for the newspaper Nexo.
She was awarded the John Simon Guggenheim Foundation Fellow (2007) and the Commendation of the Order of National Scientific Merit (2010). She is the author of a vast bibliography, with works such as "Retrato em branco e negro" (1987, APCA award), "O espetáculo das raças" (1993), "As barbas do imperador" (1998, Jabuti Book of the Year award), "O sol do Brasil" (2008, Jabuti Biography Award 2009), "Brasil: Uma biografia" (with Heloisa Murgel Starling, 2015) and "Lima Barreto: Triste visionário" (2017, Jabuti Biography Award).

More information about the programme Não Foi Cabral HERE

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