13 DEC [friday] · 18:15 · free entrance
Auditório Ilídio Pinho
Cineclube EA will receive the director Sílvia das Fadas in a special cinema screening. In this program, several of the author's films will be shown on film, followed by a presentation about the work in the Cinema Fulgor project entitled "Films as Seeds: Cinema Fulgor and cinema curation as an artistic practice".

#1 Apanhar Laranjas / Picking Oranges (Experimental, 1’41, 16mm, Som/Cor, E.U.A., 2012)
#2 Square Dance, Los Angeles County, California, 2013 (Documentário, 9’, 16mm, Som/Cor, E.U.A., 2013)
#3 A Casa, A Verdadeira e a Seguinte, Ainda Está Por Fazer / The House is Yet to be Built
(Documentário, 35’52, 16mm, Som/Cor, E.U.A. Portugal, Áustria, 2015-2018)
Talk: "Films as Seeds: Cinema Fulgor and cinema curation as an artistic practice".
To know more about the screening program click here.