Paint and Polychromy Techniques II

3 ECTS / Semestral / English, Portuguese

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:

At the end of the course unit, students who complete it will be able to:
a) Have a systematic and comprehensive knowledge of Painting and Polychromy II.

To achieve this goal, students will be able to:
b) Know and apply the terminology inherent in painting and polychromy processes;
c) Activate processes for rationalising the analysis of what is visible;
d) Understand the mechanisms inherent in the construction of an image through painting.
e) Differentiate, experiment with and master the different materials and techniques used in painting and polychromy;
f) Familiarise themselves with the techniques used to execute the works they will later restore.


Invited Teaching Assistant
Areas of scientific interest Art Contemporary Art Practice Artistic pictorial techniques.