Experimentation in NMA

4 ECTS / Semestral / Portuguese

In this CU, the framework for artistic experimentation arises from its spatiotemporal inscription: considering that it is mediation that provides access to experience (which occurs in space-time), then experimentation is the basic condition of all medium and its inscription in this medium. Space time. Otherwise, it is this spatiotemporal inscription thatlinks art to the notion of experience. The coincidence between experience and experimentation is debated at the interface between art and science, in any of its developments (life sciences, engineering, economics, etc.). If some of these links already have a designation -such as digital arts or bio art -, others still lack a defined framework and which for now have been designated as hybrids.

At the end of the course, students should be able to:

a) Understanding art as an area of experimentation that deals with scientific development as a place for cultural, political and social discussion.

b) Understand the historical reevaluation directed to art by its experimental and experiential connection to science.

c) Facing scientific development as a social construct and a potential place for artistic expression.

d) Understand the artistic object and artistic practice as an active production of knowledge) Develop an experimental artistic project as a process of reflection on the current artistic condition.