Cultural Heritage I

4 ECTS / Semestral / English, Portuguese


a) To know the field of theory and heritage studies. 
b) To know relevant authors and their contributions to heritage studies. 
c) To know the different dimensions of the concept of heritage. 
d) To recognize the importance of heritage studies for conservation and restoration. 
e) To know the institutions linked to heritage and the main normative documents and recommendations 
f) To promote a critical assessment of the uses of cultural heritage in the present.
g) At the end of the course students should be able to prepare a paper on one of the themes of the program.


a) The concept of heritage – scope, typologies and manifestations.
b) Processes of patrimonialization.
c) Heritage issues: values, memory, identity, uses, legitimation; consumption.


Assistant Professor
PhD in Art and Design from the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto (2010). Master's in Art History from the School of Social Sciences and…