Conservation and Restoration of Organic/ Inorganic Materials

4 ECTS / Semestral / English, Portuguese

This curricular unit aims to aware students to the preservation and conservation of graphic documents field. In the first classes, with a more theoretical nature, it is intend to do:

  • Introduction to the types and classes of graphic documents using a more systematic approach,
  • Identify several examples of two-dimensional graphic documents such as engravings, watercolour drawings, charcoal, gouache or pastel painting, architectural drawings, photo reproductions, photographs and handwritten or printed documents
  • Distinguish composite documents from two-dimensional documents taking into account their three-dimensional character
  • Identify various types of composite documents such as books and bindings, screens, globes, wallpapers and fans.


Invited Teaching Assistant
Her academic training began in 1996 with a Bachelor's Degree in Conservation and Restoration from the now defunct Escola Superior de Conservação e Restauro…