Art History III

4 ECTS / Semestral / English, Portuguese

This curricular unit has as its general objective the study of the historical, cultural, and artistic processes that form or intersect the history of art from the Renaissance to the Baroque, in its various artistic expressions.

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:

  • To acquire knowledge of the history of art and history, identifying specific styles and schools, namely artistic marks of a certain period, or geographical context;
  • To understand technical and material specificities associated with chronology, region or individual artistic practices;
  • To know mechanisms and instruments for the description, analysis and interpretation of art from the Renaissance to the Baroque;
  • Master terminology and methodologies of writing in art history for the chronological arc in question;
  • Understand techniques and methodologies for organizing information and systematizing knowledge.


Invited Assistant Professor
PhD in Art History, specialising in Art Theory from FCSH-NOVA Visiting Assistant Professor at the UCP School of Arts Publications…