17th November – Thursday
Auditório Ilídio Pinho
Chair: José Guilherme Abreu
10h00-10h45 D. Lejman (key-note speaker): Resisting the surface
10h45-11h00 Debate
11h00-11h15 Coffee-break
1st Session - Public Art: democratic and dissensual?
Chair: Margarida Brito Alves / Cristina Pratas Cruzeiro
11h15-11h45 P. Chambers: Mis(s)placed Women? Unpacking a Bag of Your Own
11h45-12h15 C. Dormor: Refusing the Invisible Mend: reckoning with colonial pasts
and presents
12h15-12h45 K Cytlak: The Production of a New Public Space. Visual Desobedience of the “Chile Despertó” Movement
12h45-14h30 Lunch
2nd Session - Public Art, places and powers
Chair: Eduarda Vieira
14h30-15h00 J. Cirillo: Places of Power: native and ethnic-racial presence in public art (a case study)ca (um estudo de caso)
15h00-15h30 P. de Sousa: Urban Women – Graffiti, a tool for feminine emancipation in the city
15h30-16h00 T Sinan: Art Under Embargo – the genesis of Turkish Cypriot public sculpture in the internationally unrecognised ‘Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus’.
16h00-16h15 Coffee-break
3rd Session - Creative practices on public spaces
Chair: Patrícia Moreira
16h15-16h45 J. P. Regatão: Outdoors e Murais: Arte Pública e Resistência na Pandemia
16h45-17h15 M. Mesquita: O espaço público da imaginação
17h15-17h45 M. B. Durante: The collaboration between artists and Prestes Maia occupation
17h45-18h00 Debate
4th Session - MoCap room
18h00-18h45 Artistic Program - Sound without spaces
Diogo Tudela e José Alberto Gomes
18th November – Friday
Auditório Ilídio Pinho
09h30-10h00 Opening
1st Session - Public Art Ontological Frame: statuary vs monumentality
Chair: José Vasco Carvalho
10h00-10h45 J. G. Abreu: Do we still Need Statues? If so, what for? A Reflection on Statuary and Ethics
10h45-11h15 F. Henriques: The Erratic and Irritant Itinerary of Monumento ao Esforço Conlonizador (Porto)
11h15-11h30 Coffee-break
2nd Session - Public Art Spheres: production, documentation, preservation
Chair: Gabriela Vaz-Pinheiro
11h30-12h00 P. Andrade: Ukraine Heritage at Risk: For a Research Encyclopedia on the War Public Art
12h00-12h30 P. S. Neves: Public Art and street level imagery live: the possible role of creative online communities
12h30-13h00 C Carvalho: The use of Instagram by citizens to document and preserve Public Art
12h30-14h30 Lunch
3rd Session - Public Art creativity: resistances, identities, disseminations
Chair: José Guilherme Abreu
14h30-15h00 E. Luku: Tik Tok as a form of creative expression in the virtual public sphere: An analysis of productions during the Covid-19 pandemic in Albania
15h00-15h30 D. Salazar, R. Barreira: Confined Artistic Practices: Resistance and Collectivism during Portuguese Covid-19 Pandemic
15h30-16h00 J. Braz: Art and Identity along the Roads of Portugal
16h00-16h15 Coffee-break
4th Session - Public Art fights: historical legacies, environment, politics
Chair: Frederico Henriques
16h15-16h45 R. Macário: Trying to avoid local history as a "one night stand" biased affair: The Fake Museum Experiment
16h45-17h15 M. Ferreira: Waste Matter as Raw Material: A Sustainable and Environmental approach to Contemporary Art Production
17h15-17h45 Z. Szegedy-Maszák: A Location’s Past
17h45-18h15 I. Moreira: An Arch over a troubled square: Kyiv’s Monument of Reunification (1982), or of Friendship (1991) or of Freedom (2022)
18h15-18h30 Final Debate
18h30 Conference's closure