Script and Storyboarding

5 ECTS / Semester / English, Portuguese

In the curricular unit of “Screenwriting and Storyboard”, different knowledge and different techniques and skills will be approached that encourage and configure screenwriting and storyboard design for short films.

In this sense, the curricular unit has as fundamental objectives:

a) to develop knowledge of scriptwriting techniques;
b) to master narrative creation processes for Cinema;
c) to master narrative adaptation processes for Cinema;
d) to improve research capacities and conceptual development of ideas for short films;
e) to consolidate knowledge about storyboard composition techniques for an animated short film and visual effects;
f) to encourage creative reasoning and narrative awareness in the process of drawing an storyboard.


Assistant Professor
Doctorate in Audiovisual Communication from the Faculty of Information Sciences of the Complutense University of Madrid (2015). Assistant Professor and…