Residências Artísticas
Projetos I&D CITAR
Funded R&D Projects:
YUCUNET- (Project 617486-EPP-1-2020-ES-EPPKA-CBHE-JP) (2020 - 2023)
POCI-01-0247-FEDER-024498 CHIC (Cooperative Holistic View on Internet and Content)
The CHIC project aims to develop, test and demonstrate a broad range of new processes, products and services that have a significant impact on the audiovisual and multimedia sectors. . These products will have a clear mobilizing effect on other important sectors of culture, such as cultural heritage, archives, books and publications or the performing arts.
CCD project PINFRA / 22133/2016 (upgrade to CCD)
Project: Sonic Interaction Design (sponsored by Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian)
Outcomes: 9 peer-reviewed article, 2 Master thesis, 2 PhD thesis, 2 workshops and 1 masterclass.
Project: The impact on new digital technology in documentary
Outcomes: two documentaries exploring the act of representing reality, using new technical possibilities, and two peer-reviewed article regarding technical advances (video formats, advances in video technology such as lenses, filters and lighting, editing techniques, image post-production and HDR technologies).
Project: Contemporary Animation: Tools, Constraints and Future Prospects (What lies beyond the Uncanny Valley)
Outcomes: software tools for animators, short animated examples based on Motion Capture Animation, two peer-reviewed article, organization of an international conference on the subject, and the publication of a book chapter.
Project: 3D animation generation using MoCap data
Outcomes: 3 peer-reviewed article, 1 Master thesis, 1 PhD thesis, a software application.