06 JUN 2019
Registration [Lobby]
Welcome - Opening Session [Auditório Ilídio Pinho]
Keynote 1 - Roy Ascott
Sentient States: Bio-mind and Techno-nature
Chair: Rui Torres
Coffee break
11h30 | EA 227
Session 1A
Chair: Rui Penha
José Oliveira Martins and Paulo Soares*. Becoming a music score: oral tradition, performance consciousness, and interpretative techniques of transcription for the Portuguese guitar music of Carlos Paredes
Sandra Guerreiro Dias. The sentient hand: Ana Hatherly and ‘the technology of the sacred’
Cecilia Vilca. FUTURE RELICS: Samples of faith, examples of an epistemological rebellion
11h30 | EA 228
Session 1B
Chair: Laura Beloff
Julia Heurling. Nida Forest Sequences - reflections on repetition and perception of space
Ralph Spencer Steenblik. Cedric Price and the Consciousness of Spaces
Paul Thomas. Quantum Consciousness Reframed
Guto Nóbrega. From light to fields. Thinking art from an organic perspective
11h30 | EA 229
Session 1C
Chair: Heitor Alvelos
Cesar And Lois (Cesar Baio <> Lucy HG Solomon). Crossing Knowledge Systems
Terry Trickett. A stride towards sentient cities: Architecture as Performance Art
Jane Grant, The Skin of the World: Desire as interaction in the artworks This Excited Surface (2017) and Between Us (2019)
14h00 | EA 227
Session 4A
Chair: Luís Sarmento Ferreira
Masa Jazbec*. Androids as Apologists of the New Civilization
Lucia Leão. Plant Portraits: creative processes, communication and the searching of new paradigms
Fabricio Lamoncha. Interspecies Artistic Research Strategies: Biosemiotic Methods and Open-Source Network Technologies
Camila Mangueira, Fabricio Fava and Miguel Carvalhais. Digital image as a semiotic agent
14h00 | EA 228
Session 4B [Room EA228]
Chair: Jane Grant
Carolyn Angleton. Cultigens of Desire
Claudia Westermann. Poiesis, Ecology and Embodied Cognition
Terhi Marttila. From osmosis to diffusion - migration as movement, digital art for dismantling membranes
Mike Phillips, Hello Machine
14h00 | EA 229
Session 4C
Chair: Luis Leite
André Sier. Bio-electronic Aggregates on Neon-Paleolitikos Strata
Rodrigo Hernández-Ramírez. Ontological tinkering—or, how to understand technics and human becoming in hyperhistory
Raivo Kelomees. The Symbiotic Interaction in Art
Alain Lioret and Iannis Bardakos. Digital Quantum Consciousness and Computation
Coffee break
Poster session [Auditório Ilídio Pinho]
Chair: José Vasco Carvalho
Francisca R. Gonçalves and Rodrigo Carvalho*. Luciferina
Lucile Haute. Cyberwitches manifesto
Miguel Oliveros Mediavilla. Exodus in DF
Marthin Rozo. A leaf showed me the way
Porto de Honra
Book Launch: 'Quantum Art & Uncertainty' (Intellect, 2018), by Paul Thomas
07 JUL 2019
Registration [Lobby]
Keynote 2 - Victoria Vesna
We are alien stardust, we are viral genes: macro micro reframed
Chair: André Sier
Coffee break
11h30 | EA 227
Session 2A
Chair: André Baltazar
Anderson dos Santos Paiva and Mónica Mendes. Celestial Landscapes: an artistic perspective on three dimensions of the sky
Rae Wu, Community Learning Environment Regarding 5GContext
Marco Heleno, Miguel Carvalhais and Nuno Correia*. Explaining Machine Learning: The Telephone Game as an analogy to reveal decision-making
Rita Lêdo, Rui Penha and Filipe Lopes. Music with Plants: Cultivating Bonds Between Grade-Schoolers and Nature through Sound Design
11h30 | EA 228
Session 2B
Chair: Jorge Cardoso
Andrew Klobucar, Sharla Sava and Rachel Sava. From Social Media’s “Woos,” and “Claps” to xAPI Wooclap: Participatory, Playful, and Experiential Learning in the Digital World
Olga Majcen Linn and Sunčica Ostoić. Curatorial perspectives on contemporary art and science dealing with interspecies connections
Frederico Camelo Leao* and Lucia Leao. Embracing the nature and The Lotus Project: a transdisciplinary therapeutic proposal
Massimiliano Viel. Sensing meaning. A sensory frame for the posthuman subject.
14h00 | EA 227
Session 5A
Chair: Mike Philips
Mat Keel. Hard Time in the Garden of Eden? Agency and Original Sin in the Gnostic Anthropocene
Fabrício Fava, Camila Mangueira and Miguel Carvalhais. Playful design, empathy and the nonhuman turn
Marthin Rozo. Moths and humans
Haytham Nawar. Cultural Identities and Artificial Intelligence
14h00 | EA 228
Session 5B
Chair: Luís Eduardo Luna
Vanessa Lopes*. The defiance of new materialities: art in its concreteness
Clarissa Ribeiro. Inhaling consciousness: human-environment dysbiome ecological-evolutionary inferences
Mariana Pérez Bobadilla and Yun Wah Lam. A case for post-teleological biology: Stochasticism
Peter Anders. The Tapestry: Weaving a History of Magical Tradition
14h00 | EA 229
Session 5C
Chair: Marta de Menezes
Ana Carvalho. Symbiotic fictional experiments
Raivo Kelomees. The Competency Gap: the Audience in Confrontation with the Research-based and Hybrid Artworks
Paulo Alexandre e Castro. The art of creating mind or what does it mean to have a mind?
Roberta Buiani. We have always done it wrong: the city as complex network, superorganism and more-than-human sentient being. An experiment in interdisciplinary [re]thinking
Coffee break
Exhibits open
Presentation by the curators: Diogo Marques and José Vasco Carvalho
Installation Craze [Auditório Ilídio Pinho]
Chair: Diogo Marques
André Sier. Half-Plant
Clarissa Ribeiro. Inhaling consciousness
Evan Tedlock, Jaco Wong* and Keshav Prasad*. Psithaura: An immersive interactive installation
Antoine Schmitt and Hortense Gauthier. ExoLove (public version)
Paula Flores. Quelites
Qianxun Chen. Seedlings_
Augusto Zubiaga and Lourdes Cilleruelo*. SEE AND BE SEEN
Beatriz Albuquerque. SuperMarioWord: ERROR...
Cesar And Lois (Cesar Baio and Lucy HG Solomon). The Bhiobrid Logic of Degenerative Cultures
Ellen K. Levy. Sentient Libraries: Architecture of the Mind
Natasha Boskic, Mohamad Kebbewar* and Mary McDonald. On the Margin of History
[BH Foz]
08 JUN 2019
Keynote 3 - Marta de Menezes
Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going?
Chair: Cristina Sá
Coffee break
11h30 | EA 227
Session 3A
Chair: Victoria Vesna
Alain Lioret and Iannis Bardakos. The poetry of categories and computation: On a mathematical bridging of computational aesthetic generators
Stephanie Owens. The Future of Memory: Art & Adaptive Matter As Sociocultural Cognition
Elif Ayiter. The Home, Place and Non-Place, and Storyworlds: Intimate Spaces for Metaverse Avatars
Suzete Venturelli and Guto Nóbrega*. Intertwining biological, numerical and subtle networks
11h30 | EA 228
Session 3B
Chair: Lucia Leão
Pedro Cardoso, Miguel Carvalhais and Ricardo Melo*. Breaking the Hedonistic Loop: Meaning before fun in videogames
Pedro Costa and Luísa Ribas*. AI becomes her: discussing gender and artificial intelligence
Brian Reffin Smith. Chaotic steps towards understanding
Rob Swigart. Consciousness without agriculture
14h00 | EA 227
Session 6A
Chair: Rui Torres
Dolores Steinman and David Steinman. Reforming or reformatting consciousness while reframing the paradigms of inner bodies
Yun Wah Lam and Mariana Perez Bobadilla. Cells in search for the body: evoking the haptic memory of cultured cells
Beatriz Albuquerque. SuperMarioWord: AI
Yulia Zhiglova. Body-Centric Distributed User Interfaces: conscious and unconscious perception in body-centric haptic displays
14h00 | EA 228
Session 6B
Chair: José Oliveira Martins
Maria Manuela Lopes. Bio Mind and Techno Nature in the Performance of Memory: Arts-Based-Research and Human Enhancement
Michelle Lewis-King. Cross-Cultural and Cross-Temporal Encounters in Art, Medicine and Technology
Patricia Moreira. Biosphere microbiome as an artistic resource
Xiaoxu Dong. Data Visualization: A Unique Storyteller
14h00 | EA 229
Session 6C
Consciousness as an Emergent Phenomena: cross-scale conversations in plurisystemic contexts
Claudia Jacques. Andrea's Room: Syncretic Entanglement in the Meta-Environment
Clarissa Ribeiro. Cross-Scale Conversations: bioart impacts in a molecular level
Liz Lessner. Relational Objects and Techno-Qualia as Machines for Restructuring Consciousness
Richard Courage. Chicago 1940: Emergent New Media, New Representational Paradigns, ‘New Negro’ Consciousness
Coffee break
Keynote 4 - Laura Beloff
Chair: Roy Ascott
Closing session