3rd International Conference on Green Conservation of Cultural Heritage

10 OUT 2019, 15:00 - 16:45

Topic A - Biotechnology and bio-based products for conservation

Giel Scheepers, Margot Koster, Jaco Appelman and Joosje van Bennekom
Exploring the use of microbes as a bio-based method to clean silver

Magdalena Albelda-Berenguer, Mathilde Monachon and Edith Joseph
Biotechnology to the rescue of waterlogged archaeological wood

Nuno Proença, José Delgado Rodrigues, Maria João Revez and João Aguiar
Biomineralisation of carbonate stones in built heritage contexts: onsite application results

Nádia Silva, Diana Castro, Eduarda Vieira, Manuela Pintado and Patrícia Moreira
Antimicrobial chitosan coatings for conservation of urban outdoor sculptures

Diana Castro, Nádia Silva, Eduarda Vieira, Manuela Pintado and Patrícia Moreira
Physico-chemical and mechanical characterization of chitosan-based coatings for conservation of outdoor sculptures

L. Vergari, L. Sabatini, P. Mattarelli, F. Buglin, D. De Luca and M. Di Vito
Study of the efficacy of essential oils and hydrolates as an alternative to the biocides commonly used for the treatment of artefacts painted on a textile support

10 OCT 2019, 10:00 - 11:00

Topic B - Green chemistry and nanotechnology

Federica Valentini and Federica Valentini
Innovative electrochemical and chemical synthesis of nanostructured materials properly designed and decorated for restoration and conservation of ancient and damaged manuscripts

Andrea Macchia, Laura Rivaroli, Bruno Gianfreda, Gaia Fagiolo and Paola Moretti
Green solvents to remove old ageing varnishes form paintings

S. Prati, G. Sciutto, J. Yiming, B. Blümich, M.L. Focarete, P. Galletti, L. Giorgini, C. Gualandi, L. Mazzocchetti, C. Rehorn, C. Samorì, E. Tagliavini and R. Mazzeo
Poly-hydroxybutyrate green gels for the cleaning of paintings: ¬advances towards sustainable solutions

11 OCT 2019, 10:45 - 12:30

Topic C - Innovative methods, products and strategies

Llucia Rubio, Manuel Jesús Jardón Cabezas, Marina Granero Cortés and Philip Kron Morelli
Comparative approach about adhesives for the intervention of polychrome on stone: The case of Ramon Llull's Sepulchre

Aleix Barberà Giné, Silvia Marín Ortega and Pere Rovira Pons
The removal of Paraloid® coatings with aqueous based formulations. Practical case in frescoes from els Munts roman villa (Catalonia)

Julia Brennan and Kaitlyn Munro via Skype
A Pioneering Method to Maintain Stable RH for Mass Storage of Genocide Clothing in Cambodia and Rwanda

Jorge Feijoo, Rafael Fort, L.M. Ottosen, M.E. Rabanal and L.S. Gomez-Villalba
Effectiveness of electrokinetic consolidation of different inorganic compounds for protection of stony materials

Duygu Ergenç, Jorge Feijoo, Rafael Fort and Mónica Álvarez de Buergo
An effective stone desalination method for cultural heritage

David Martín Freire-Lista, Luís Sousa and Martinho Lourenço
The Historic Quarries of the City of Vila Real (Northern Portugal) as a Source of Restoration Stone for Sustainable Conservation

11 OCT 2019, 14:30 - 15:45

Topic D - Sustainability in the conservation practice: case studies

Carla Maria Teixeira Coelho, Marcos José de Araújo Pinheiro and Bruno Teixeira de Sá
Risk management as a strategy for sustainable conservation: studies for the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation cultural heritage

Allison Suhan
Sustainable Saint Paul: Incorporating National Park Service Guidelines into Citywide Preservation

Ana Galán Pérez and Anna Biedermann
Preventive conservation and sustainability of heritage collections in transit

Silvia Nigro
The integrated requalification of Author's Urban Peripheries. Strategies and technological environmental solutions for a balance between sustainability and safeguarding existing qualities

10 OCT 2019, 10:00 - 11:45

Topic E1 - Sustainable conservation

Cláudia Ferreira, Vasco P. De Freitas and João M. P. Q. Delgado
The Influence of Mass Tourism and Hygroscopic Inertia in Relative Humidity Fluctuations of Museums Located in Historical Buildings

Rui Maio, Tiago Ferreira, Fabiana Miranda and Romeu Vicente
The use of index-based methodologies as a tool for the sustainable management of risks in historic city centres

Telma Ribeiro, Daniel Oliveira and Susanna Bracci
Protecting earthen heritage using a green strategy: a study about natural water repellents

Pedro Vaz and Bárbara Vaz
PRO-Heritage Project

Eva Ernfridsson, Lotta Hallbäck and Karsten Pedersen via Skype
Comparative tests for removing and preventing microbial fouling on cultural heritage stone and plaster

Petra Štefcová, Jaroslav Valach and Petr Zemanek
Applying the principles of sustainability in caring for cultural heritage objects (case study – cuneiform tablets)

10 OCT 2019, 17:00 - 18:15

Topic E2 - Sustainable conservation

Carolina Vatteroni
Analysis on Adhesives for Stone Conservation: An Evaluation of Potential Sustainable Alternatives

Salomé Carvalho, Rui Bordalo, José Guilherme Abreu and Eduarda Vieira
Infrared thermography (IRT) analysis and experimentation with a low-cost camera in plaster sculptures of Museum Collections within GEO-SR project

Aida Pereira Nunes
Re-Org Lisboa

Alvaro Higueras and Andrea Macchia
Moving towards Green Management: What is it that we have to do to be green in this too?

F. Fernandez, N. Maravelaki, M. Alvarez De Buergo, R. Pullar, F. Persia, R. Basile and R. Montagno
Green innovative mortars: a multilevel network for research and production

11 OCT 2019, 15:45 - 16:30

Topic S

Aline Oliveira, Aida Nunes, Silvia Sequeira, Catarina Pinheiro and Sustainability In Conservation
SiC and Sic_Portugal: when global meets local

YOCOCU Portugal
YOCOCU Portugal presentation




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