Week in Conservation and Restoration

Segunda-feira, October 8, 2012 - 09:45

The Department of Art Conservation and Restoration of Port promotes Catholic, 24-29 September, Week of Conservation and Restoration in Catholic initiative that covers the implementation of the Workshop "Implementation of Preventive Conservation in Museums and Historic Buildings - The Case of study of the Casa-Museu de Rui Barbosa, "taught by Dr. Claudia Carvalho Architect, the House-Museum of Rui Barbosa, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, the official launch of the Postgraduate course in Preventive Conservation, innovative training project that results a partnership between the School of Arts and School of Biotechnology of Catholic Porto, and VIII Days of Art and Science - Conservation and Restoration of Architectural Decorative Arts Application, which is intended to promote the sharing of experiences among conservators domestic and foreign, in different specialty areas like the topic under discussion.