Call for Papers · JSTA · On Criticism: “Is there a place (still) for criticism?”

Quarta-feira, May 26, 2021 - 16:21

Call for Papers · JSTA · On Criticism: “Is there a place (still) for criticism?”



Call for Papers 
More information and submissions.

The Journal of Science and Technology of the Arts is accepting submissions for its Vol. 13 No. 2, with the title On Criticism: "Is there a place (still) for criticism?" until the 15th of September 2021. This issue is edited by Luiz Camillo Osorio, Nuno Crespo and Sabeth Buchmann.
JSTA Vol 13 No 2
On Criticism: “Is there a place (still) for criticism?”

Deadline: September 15, 2021

Editors: Luiz Camillo Osorio (PUC-Rio), Nuno Crespo (EA-UCP/CITAR), Sabeth Buchmann (Academy of Fine Arts Vienna)

At a time when it is urgent to think about the role of art in society outside the contexts of institutions and their agents, this special issue intends to discuss how the crisis of criticism and new gestures of participation - allowed and encouraged by the intense development of digital technologies for collaboration, which seem to have made everyone an art critic -, contribute to develop critical thinking about the arts and create a concrete space for reflection and action by the spectator. 

The first question to be addressed is whether the dissolution of authority and mediation of the word of criticism, replaced by technological and digital means of participation, can (or not) replace art criticism as we know it, sometimes based on a logic of institutional or authorship authority. This is a work possibility that implies analysing the modalities and spaces of criticism in its present and past, and understanding how the spectator’s relationship with artistic creation produces new reflective spaces.

This discussion can be placed between philosophy, history, and theory, underlining the relevance of criticism as a necessary reflexive moment for the construction of the artistic object and to understand how this reflexive nature has been transformed through new modes of relationship with art modalities of the relationship with art. However, the scope of this discussion is not limited to the debate about the limits and possibilities of criticizing art as a discipline but tries to think about the way society is called to participate in the artistic field using common everyday tools, such as, for example, a smartphone and social media.

It is important to test approaches between the practices of criticism and the other practices of the art system: artistic and curatorial. This special issue intends to systematize the historical evolution of criticism and problematize the transformations it has undergone to date. In a time of crisis for institutions, it is important to define and propose new institutional formats (considering different geopolitical realities) and also new strategies and tools that take advantage of the full potential of new digital media. For this purpose, it is essential to analyse the processes of digital value attribution in the context of a quantitative regime of an evaluation society and to debate how they relate (or can relate) to the practice of criticism traditionally linked to qualitative judgments.

We are welcoming papers that address these topics:

- curatorial practices as criticism

- criticism and post-colonialism

- shifts from ‘institutional critique to infrastructure critique’

- criticism in a globalized art world

- criticism and post-media

- the relevance of digital media in the practice of criticism

- qualitative versus quantitive in art criticism

- beyond criticism



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