ALEXANDRE MATOS Alexandre Matos holds a Ph.D. and a Master’s in Museology from the University of Porto (Portugal). He is currently Director of the Research and Training Department of Sistemas do Futuro, Lda. He was the project manager for ICOM Portugal in the Mu.SA - Museum Sector Alliance project, he is also a researcher at CITCEM – Transdisciplinary Research Centre «Culture, Space and Memory» and also he was the Editor at the CIDOC board. He is member of the SPECTRUM PT project and a SPECTRUM champion in the Portuguese-speaking community. Alexandre is currently the chair of the CIDOC working group on Exhibition and Performance Documentation. He always liked museums, but he totally fell in love with them when he first worked in one and realised the interesting stories he could tell from an object as simple as a portrait. He works on museum documentation because it is the most effective way to keep those stories alive. He writes about it at Mouseion. Director of the Research and Training Department of Sistemas do Futuro, Lda. alexandre@sistemasfuturo.com alexandrematos@mac.com @alexandrematos www.mouseion.pt |
MARCO CALLIERI Marco Callieri is a researcher at the Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione (ISTI) of the National Research Council (CNR) in Pisa, Italy. He is part of the Visual Computing Laboratory, working in the framework of various national and European projects. His research interests include 3D scanning and 3D data processing, colour and appearance acquisition, large 3D dataset manipulation and rendering, 3D printing, 3D web visualization. Most of his work is related to the use of digital technologies in the Cultural Heritage field: experimenting new technologies and methods for the documentation, measurement and diagnosis of cultural heritage artefacts, carrying out on-the-field acquisition campaigns and developing tools for the scientific community. He is currently part of the MeshLab development team, and is the main designer and developer of 3DHOP. |