Escola das Artes em direto #1 · Fantasmagorias

Terça-feira, Março 17, 2020 - 11:04

Escola das Artes em direto #1 · Fantasmagorias


Ilustração de Spectropia: or, Surprising Spectral Illusionsde J. H. Brown (1865)


Escola das Artes em direto #1 · Fantasmagorias
16 MAR · 17H

Neste primeiro direto de uma série diária, Daniel Ribas, Diogo Tudela e Nuno Crespo discutem a partir das ideias de fantasma, fantasmagoria, corpos espectrais e hauntologia.


  • Beckett, S. (2009) Krapp's Last Tape and Other Shorter Plays. Londres: Faber and Faber. ISBN 9780571244560
  • Boehler, N. (2014). Haunted Time, Still Photography and Cinema as Memory: The Dream Sequence in Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives. Journal of Modern Literature in Chinese, 12(1), 4.
  • Bousquet, A. (2015) Wargames in Simulation, Exercise, Operations. Londres: Urbanomic. ISBN 9780993045868
  • Casares, Adolfo Bioy, (2003), A invenção de Morel [1940], trad. Miguel Serras Pereira, Lisboa: Antígona
  • Didi-Huberman, Georges (2012), Imagens apesar de tudo [Images malgré tout, 2004], trad. Vanessa Brito e J. P. Cachopo, Lisboa: KKYM
  • Elsaesser, T. (2009). World Cinema: Realism, Evidence, Presence. In L. Nagib & C. Mello (Eds.), Realism and the audiovisual media (pp. 3–19). London: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Fisher, N. (2016) The Weird and The Eerie. Londres: Repeater Books. ISBN 9781910924396
  • Freedberg, David (1989), The power of images. Studies in the history and theory of response, Chicago & London: The University of Chicago Press
  • Lupton, C. (2012). Chris Marker: Memory’s Apostle. In:
  • Negarestani, R. (2014) Torture Concrete. Nova Iorque: Sequence Press. ISBN 9780983216971
  • Rosset, Clément. (1984), Le réel et son double. Essai sur l’illusion, Paris: Gallimard
  • Rosset, Clément. (2006), Fantasmagories, suivi de Le réel, l’imaginnaire et l’illusoire, Paris: Les éditions de Minuit
  • Tucherman, I. (2012) Breve História do Corpo e de Seus Monstros. Lisboa: Nova Vega ISBN 9789726995777
  • Beckett, S. (1966) Macgowran Speaking Beckett. Claddagh Records.
  • Lucier, A. (1969) I am Sitting in a Room. Lovely Music, Ltd.
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