O programa público da Summer School sofreu algumas mudanças nesta segunda-feira, 5 de julho. A conferência de Elizabeth Povinelli e a projeção de dois filmes serão feitas online, no site da Escola das Artes e da Haus der Kulturen der Welt.
5 JUL · 20H · Online
Elizabeth Povinelli
Elizabeth Povinelli
Sessão de Cinema + Q&A
Day in The Life
Elizabeth Povinelli
Divergent Survivances – Descending the Alps, Converging into Karrabing Elizabeth Povinelli
This talk probes the citational and social dynamics of two genealogies of survivance – one through the legacy of Jacques Derrida and the other Gerald Vizenor – through a brief history of two clans in the ongoing ancestral presence of colonial appropriation and emergent American and European nativism. How by tracking the near simultaneous Simonaz Povinelli movement out of their frontier Alpine village to the US and Nunggudi Karrabing confrontation with European invasions of their lands can we come to understand not merely emergent American and European nativism on the left and right, but divergent trajectories and purposes of a concept.
Day in The Life
Karrabing Film Collective
AUS, 2020, 32’
Day in the Life explores the ordinary obstacles Indigenous families face as they move through an ordinary day. Across five chapters – Breakfast, Playtime, Lunch Break, Cocktail Hour, and Dinner Time – and an audioscape directed by its younger members, Day in the Life is a visual and sonic landscape that dramatises and satirises the settler forms of governance and extractive capitalism that Karrabing members encounter over the course of a day.
The inheritance
Elizabeth Povinelli
EUA, 2021, 81’
In this movie Povinelli explores events, trauma and powers that divide and define our individual and collectives past and futures. The inheritance gathers Povinelli’s grandparents stories – who have abandoned their village in the beggining of last century, and moved their business in Bufallo, New York – with Povinelli’s catholic childhood in the 60’s and 70’s in rural Lousiana. Povinelli describes a series of violence and delocation patterns, as well as a lived experience through racism and structural inequalities, wich shaped not only her life, but also de USA history.