Arlindo Silva

Invited Teaching Assistant


Areas of scientific interest

  • Art
  • Contemporary Art Practice
  • Artistic pictorial techniques.
  • Research projects

Research projects

  • Making Arts and Crafts Present - A Project to Encounter the Past and the Future.
  • Materials and Techniques of Painters from Northern Portugal.

Relevant publications

  • Coração e Cinzas. Guimarães: Centro Cultural Vila Flor, 2014. ISBN 978-989-8474-20-9
  • “10 de Março de 2010,” in Projecto Livro: Collecting Collections and Concepts - Capital Europeia da Cultura Guimarães, INCM – Imprensa Nacional Casa da Moeda, 2013. ISBN 978-989-98505-4-5
  • “Ao sair da desfocagem,” in Livro auto-edição, FBAUP, 2012. ISBN 978-972-98517-7-3
  • “Da-li-la,” in Propostas da Arte Portuguesa. Porto: Serralves/Público, Abril 2007. ISBN 978-989-619-108-5

Theses as supervisor